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Fall Quarter 2024

Course descriptions can be found in the general catalog, topical course descriptions can be found at the bottom of this page, and syllabi may be found at All courses listed on this page are subject to change.

Colloquia - H*** 160-190 
Graduate Courses - H*** 200+
"+" indicates courses that focus on the period before 1800
"#" indicates course is a colloquium

Lower Division Courses

Course Title Instructor
HILD 2A United States History Lewandoski
HILD 7C Race & Ethnicity in the United States Alvarez
HILD 10 East Asia: The Great Tradition Schneewind
HILD 14 Film & History in Latin America Cowan
HILD 30 History of Public Health Edington

Upper Division Courses

HIEA 155China & the Environment


Course Title Instructor
HIAF 111 Modern Africa since 1880 Prestholdt
HIEA 112 Japan-Mid-19th C. through the U.S. Occupation Matsumura
HIEA 137 Women & Family/Chinese History +


HIEA 151 The Two Koreas, 1945-Present Henry
HIEA 155 China & the Environment


HIEA 171 Society & Culture in Premodern China + #


HIEU 135 Sun, Sea, Sand, & Sex: Tourism & Tourists in the Contemporary World Patterson
HIEU 137 History of Colonialism: From New Imperialism to Decolonization Edington
HIEU 144P Topics in European History: Nonspecialist Roman History + Watts
HIEU 154 Modern Germany:Bismarck to Hitler Hansen
HIEU 166 Mediterranean Enviro. History Gallant
HIEU 171 Topics in European History: Beriln and the 20th Century # Hansen
 HIGL 127 Sport in the Modern World J. Ivey
HILA 118 U.S. Aggression in Latin America, 1898-Present Kozameh
HILA 121A History of Brazil though 1889 + Graham
HILA 122 Cuba: From Colony to Socialist Republic Kozameh
HILA 169 Scholarship on Latin American History in 20th Century # Cowan
HINE 100 The Hebrew Bible and History + Balberg
HINE 137 Two Peoples-Palestine/Israel Hertz
 HISC 107 The Emergence of Modern Science Golan
 HISC 119 Biology and Society Golan
HITO 100 The Craft of History Hendrickson
HITO 136 Jews & African Americans: Slavery, Diaspora, Ghetto Hertz
HITO 192 Senior Seminar: Physics and Politics in World War II: The Bulding of the Nuclear Bomb  Biess
HITO 196 Honors Seminar # Kwak
HIUS 108A History of Native Americans in the U.S. I + Lewandoski
HIUS 112 The U.S. Civil War Plant
HIUS 113 History of Mexican America Martinez-Matsuda
HIUS 136 Citizenship & Civil Rights in the 20th Century Martinez-Matsuda
HIUS 141 Economic History of the United States II Hendrickson
HIUS 144 Topics in US History Kwak

Graduate Courses

Course Title Instructor
HIGR 200 History and Theory Matsumura
HIGR 201 Topical Graduate Seminar: Histories of Transformative Urban Design Kwak
HIGR 215A Res. Sem./Modern Chinese Hist. Muscolino
HIGR 217A Premodern Chinese History Schneedwind
HIEU 266 Mediterranean Enviro. History Gallant
HIGR 281 Global History: Modern Era Prestholdt
HIGR 248A Research Seminar in Latin America, National Period Vitz
None Offered
HIGR 238 Intro to Sci Studies Part I Golan
  None Offered  

New and Topical Course Descriptions

New and Topical Courses:

Coming soon! 

Freshman Seminars Course Descriptions

Freshman Seminars:

Gunpowder, China, and the Rise of the West: We will read The Gunpowder Age: China, Military Innovation, and the Rise of the West (Princeton University Press, 2017), by historian Tonio Andrade, and some related material from Ming times (1368-1644). Andrade offers a new, fact-based answer to the old question of why Europe colonized parts of Asia rather than vice-versa, informed by primary sources from both sides.

Pandemics, Panics, and Plagues: Human Responses to Inhuman Catastrophes: An exploration of the role that pandemic and epidemic illness has played in human history, focusing on the different ways in which people have responded to their fears, their mortality, their uncertainty about the causes of contagion, and their disastrous losses. We will study contemporaneous accounts from the distant and recent past, coupled with historical analyses and fictional depictions, to understand the struggle to survive, control, and recover from the onslaught of deadly infections.

What Is Socialism? (And What Isn't): Socialism has recently become a very hot topic in American politics -- something that people are fighting for and fighting against. Conservatives, libertarians, and others on the political "right" continue their long tradition of rejecting as "socialism" a wide range of policies they do not like. But many progressives and others on the "left," inspired by Bernie Sanders and like-minded activists, have recently started to embrace this label (after running away from it in the past).