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Winter Quarter 2025

Course descriptions can be found in the general catalog, topical course descriptions can be found at the bottom of this page, and syllabi may be found at courses.ucsd.eduAll courses listed on this page are subject to change.

Colloquia - H*** 160-190 
Graduate Courses - H*** 200+
"+" indicates course that focus on the period before 1800
"#" indicates course is a colloquium

Freshman Seminars

Course Title Instructor
HITO 87 Global History of Drugs Edington
HITO 87 Piracy in Popular Culture Hanna
HITO 87 What Is Socialism? (And What Isn't) Patterson
HITO 87 Why Do Europeans Love and Hate America? Patterson


Lower-Division Courses

Course Title Instructor
HILD 2B United States History Plant
HILD 7A Race & Ethnicity in the United States Graham
HILD 11 East Asia and the West, 1279–1911 Lu
HILD 41 Anthropocene 2: The First Global Era, 1400-1750 Devereux

Upper-Division Courses

Course Title Instructor
HIAF 113 Small Wars and Global Order Prestholdt
HIAF 114 Black Internationalism Gyamfi
HIEA 140R China Since 1978 Gerth
HIEA 150 Modern Korea, 1800-1945 Henry
HIEU 103 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire + Watts
HIEU 123 Ancient Greece in the Classical Period + Demetriou
HIEU 147 Europe and the World I, 1808-1918 Biess
HIEU 149 Land of Three Faiths: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spainand Portugal + Devereux
None Offered
HILA 100 Conquest and Empire: The Americas + Murillo
HILA 102 Latin America/20th Century Cowan
HILA 121B History of Brazil, 1889-Present Cowan
 HINE 109 History of the Ottoman Empire + Gokatalay
 HINE 125 Middle East/20th Century Gokatalay
 HINE 125 Jews in Greek and Roman World + Balberg
 HISA 110 Modern India & South Asia De
HISC 109 Invention of Tropical Disease Edington
HISC 115 History of Medicine Gere
HISC 180 Science and Public Policy # Golan
HITO 100 The Craft of History Strasser
HITO 133 War & Society-Second World War Hansen
HITO 178 History of Seafaring/Age of Sail + # Hanna
HIUS 133 The Golden Age of Piracy + Hanna
HIUS 146 Race, Riots, and Violence in the U.S. Alvarez

Departmental Approval

To enroll in a colloquium you will need to request Department Approval by using the Course Pre-Authorization Request tool. In the justification field please answer the following questions:
  • Why are you interested in taking the class?
  • Have you taken any history classes before?
  • Have you taken any other course on this period?
  • How heavy is your schedule? -- we will have a lot of reading and writing.
  • What kinds of papers have you written before? 

Graduate Courses

Course Title Instructor
HIGR 203 Madness and Society Edington
HIGR 215B Research Seminar: Modern Chinese History Muscolino
HIGR 217B Premodern Chinese History Schneewind
HIGR 220 Historical Scholarship on European History, 1500-1715 Strasser
HILA 267 Schlr/Latin Am Hist/Colonial Murillo

New and Topical Course Descriptions

New and Topical Courses:

Coming soon! 

Freshman and Senior Seminar Course Descriptions

Freshman Seminars:

Global History of DrugsThis seminar introduces students to the history of drugs from a global perspective. Topics include the opium trade in Asia, the origins of international drug control, the war on drugs in the United States and Latin America and the rise of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the recent opioid epidemic.

What is Socialism? (And What Isn't): Socialism has recently become a very hot topic in American politics -- something that people are fighting for and fighting against. Conservatives, libertarians, and others on the political "right" continue their long tradition of rejecting as "socialism" a wide range of policies they do not like. But many progressives and others on the "left," inspired by Bernie Sanders and like-minded activists, have recently started to embrace this label (after running away from it in the past).

Why Do Europeans Love and Hate America? "Americanization" and "McDonaldization" in Europe spark controversy and even violent protests. Many treat imports of American culture with disgust. Yet the US is also admired, even loved, and demand for American things remains strong. We will study key forms of and resistance to Americanization.